- 10/15 - DESC Project announcement: Measurement of the growth-rate of structures using SN Ia PVs in the BBC framework at DESC-TD biweekly meeting, online
09/29 - Thesis defense at Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, Marseille, France
09/12 - Possible velocity systematic on the Hubble diagram fit at ZTF France, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
03/28 - Growth-rate measurement with type Ia supernovae at DESC-TD biweekly meeting, online
04/20 - Growth-rate measurement with type Ia supernovaer at Duke cosmology group’ seminar, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Feb. - Poster: Cosmology with the growth rate of structures using type Ia supernovae + Proceedings at Ren- contres de Moriond
05/13 - Measuring the growth-rate with the ZTF SN Ia sample at ZTF Spring Meeting, LPNHE, Paris, France
July - Poster: Cosmology with the growth rate of structures using type Ia supernovae at DESC Summer Meeting 2022, University of Chicago
11/18 - Cosmology with the growth rate using type Ia supernovae at Action Dark Energy 2022, Marseille, France
- 05/27 - Peculiar velocities with Type Ia Supernovae at Rubin-LSST France 2021, LPSC, Grenoble, France